Baseline Support EOL:
- Support for 10.0 ends May 1, 2023.
- Support for 10.1 ends December 1, 2023.
Support has ended for versions 9.3 and below. Customers should update as soon as possible to the latest release of Stibo Systems Enterprise Platform (STEP). Contact your Stibo Systems account manager or partner manager, or the support department, if you have questions and/or to receive help and guidance on how to update to a supported release. Software errors reported for the versions shown above may be rejected after the listed effective dates. Application support issues in progress for the releases being desupported will be closed on the desupport date. It is not possible to extend the support services for desupported versions.
Client OS Support / Component EOL:
- The Dun & Bradstreet Direct 2.0 platform is scheduled to be discontinued as of December 31, 2022, and as of January 1, 2023, D&B Licensed Products may only be accessed via Direct+. The 10.3-MP4 notes include additional information here.
- On IEPs, the legacy 'Chain' option for the Transactional Settings parameter is planned to be deprecated. The 11.1 Data Exchange Enhancements and Changes release note includes additional information.
This list may not be inclusive. Check back for updates and also refer to the latest set of release and Platform and Software Support information for additional details.